Infographics: Content with viral ingredient

There are many techniques and strategies that help us to make our contents more widely disseminated and in the best of cases, they can become viral. It is advisable and recommend that you deal with current issues, giving them your own approach; undoubtedly, contents of quality and interest tend to attract more attention.

Content marketing is that background broker that is slowly becoming an essential part of any good online marketing plan. As far as doing a good job in terms of content is concerned, it can ensure strategic positioning and increased traffic to your website. To do this, you must pull resources that support quality texts and provide valuable information to readers; one which is infographics, known for it's outstanding impact and effectiveness.

Infographic is the perfect representation of the saying that an image is worth a thousand words. In a single glance you can summarize any type of information, making it easier for readers to understand concepts.

It is proven that our learning capacity is greater if knowledge comes to us through visual procedures, 90% of what we remember is because we have suffered a visual impact, so it is logical to use infographics in your marketing strategy and take advantage of its characteristics. Not only does it facilitate the understanding of any information, these visual elements have the ability to reach a wider audience, thereby increasing interactions. Its attractive nature makes it extremely easy to be shared through social networks, which increases the capability of content marketers to generate links and improve their positioning.

Brands can also be made more visible if marketers incorporate their logo or company name in custom made infographics. You can even recycle your own content, updating and giving another focus to publications that you have previously made, by putting that information into an infographic that will be more visually appealing.

Content marketing benefits from this ability to impact. A well done infographic can become a viral element and have great impact, giving great notoriety among your readers.

It is clear that, in a scenario so saturated with information, in which there are thousands of blogs that talk about the same topics, the one that facilitates the readers when it comes to finding the data he/she is looking for, will be the one that has a greater winning chance. When you have a good infographic with quality content that provides value to the reader..information that is useful and that is made in a visually appealing way, such that it is easy to comprehend; it can serve as the perfect weapon to captivate your target audience..

Six main ingredients for content virility

Time: Wait for the ideal time to launch a campaign, so you can avoid the competition.

Emotion: Emotion is one of the main ingredients of a viral content. With this, you can connect in unimaginable ways to your target audience.

Relevance: By being updated and getting to know your audience, you are able to create content that is relevant to them, which in turn boosts interaction and virility.

Concept: Focus on transmitting a single concept or idea.

Participation : At the beginning of each campaign you need to involve other people, much better if they are influential.

Influence: Dissemination by influential readers will increase the impact and reach of your campaign.