Infographics of the 21st century

Nowadays we can not look at a magazine, a newspaper, a web page or a television channel without finding infographics since its use is becoming more common and influential in the 21st century; that is to say, they are becoming the trend to follow. An infographic is a method to represent the information in an iconic and textual way so that the user can easily understand it using digital tools. It is a means of communication coupling that helps focus big ideas with abstract and complicated concepts. In them we can tell stories, explain events, describe situations, expose processes, etc.

Currently its indisputable usefulness as a way of presenting information has made possible its introduction in almost every aspect of life, notably, the educational environment. Trainers of this contemporary period are becoming more passionate about knowing how this way of presenting information can facilitate learning process, in a current digitized environment, which has scenarios with great cognitive abundance and digital learning resources, at the same time differentiating and enhancing the different learning styles.

Most individuals of the 21st century do not have the time for concentrated study. An increasing majority prefer to look at an infographic because it communicates an idea faster since words and numbers alone read in dense pages of text do not facilitate the transmission and synthesis of knowledge. It is clear that as a teaching resource, the infographic, if it is done with criteria, is a fabulous resource to present information and facilitate the transmission of knowledge. So let's investigate some of the basic reasons why infographics are efficient and useful.

  • We are visual beings and since time immemorial we have communicated through images: the cave paintings, the Egyptian hieroglyphs, the stained glass windows of the churches, the cinema, and now the internet. Why not continue doing it?
  • A good infographic is easy to understand and highly informative. As a traffic signal, a good infographic captures the attention instantly instantly, communicates from a single point. By visualizing it, people process information in less time and with less effort than through other means.
  • They have depth of information behind the first viewing, which forces us to think more deeply. An infographic is the perfect tool in times of "attention finding" and information overload.
  • They explain stories visually. A story needs to be told and a good infographic tells a story clearly and precisely since it is a highly integrated set of content that narrates an important story.

But if we go a step further, infographics can also be effective in helping us develop the digital competence for the treatment of information. This competence consists of having the skills to seek, obtain, process and communicate information, to transform it into knowledge, including the use of ICT as an essential element to learn and communicate.

The current scenario of the network society and the knowledge economy, impose on individuals and companies, a necessary reform in skills and abilities. Among them a compendium of different skills, ranging from access to search, filtering organization and synthesis of information and that once treated is disseminated in a graphic and visual. Basic skills that every employee of an organization involved in the management of information and knowledge should have to enhance their competitiveness and innovation.