Timeline Infographic Template

The timelines were technically some of the first infographics of the story, narrating the lives of great people and powerful empires over time. And there is a reason why they have survived in this era. They make complex information and stories easier to understand, based solely on their linear structure. Timelines are also an extremely flexible medium. They can be used in almost any industry or situation that you put.

Do you want to show the history of your company? Bam!, timeline inphographics. What if you want to handle a new employee?, Ideal. How about showing a customer some sales and design processes?, Easy, with timelines. They can really adapt to anything!

The Timeline Infographic Template is ideal for representing information and events that have occurred in a stage through time. It is a representation of a chronological sequence through a timeline that helps the spectator to make temporary associations of rapid comprehension.

Due to the usefulness of timelines in providing context and creating temporary narratives, they have gradually grown to become one of the most common infographics, most especially in the news media.

A variety of layouts exist for Timeline Infographic Templates; each for different purposes:

Historical Layout

Used to outline a company's history, while also pointing out remarkable milestones.

Chronological Layout

Used to portray a transformation or evolution processes of a product, person or company within a period of time.

Biographical Layout

This majorly serves to tell the story of a prominent figure, while highlighting major achievements of that individual.

Organizational Layout

Used mainly for scheduling, that is, creating an agenda or programme for a company event, which in turn, simplifies navigation for participants.

Resume/CV Layout

This can be used to illustrate your career and qualifications.

Project Management Layout

This majorly serves to portray a product roadmap in a simplified style which can be easily comprehended.

Furthermore, they can also be used with a variety of designs to achieve specific communication objectives. Below are a few:


This is the most widely used design for the timeline infographic template. It features many divisions and boxes that branch out to hold icons, content etc. This design is not just flexible, but it serves as an effective way to break down complex information for readers.


This is another popular design for this type of infographics. Its name is as a result of the timeline being aligned to the left or right, rather than being centrally placed. The written content and all other relevant data are then positioned beside the distinct points. It is a perfect design style to compare or analyse things over time.


This design makes the timeline appear curved like the body of a snake. It is best used when the timeline features more points and minimal texts. It can also be used to compress bulky points, so as to make the design look smaller.


This design can be used to sectionalize points on the timeline. It works well for timeline infographic templates with a lot of explanatory texts. It can also conveniently accommodate icons or large images, making them the focus, rather than texts.

Examples of timeline infographic template animated in 3D

Below you can see two timeline projects, each of them separated into 8 phases and rendered in an animation. The templates were edited in our online graphic editor


Timeline infographic template edited in our online editor

All elements can be freely edited, but we also have option to automatically change text and colours with any palette stored in an Excel file
