Infographics: Why visual content is so important?

An infographic is the best way to explain something clearly, concisely and visually. With this format, you can explain complex topics in a simple way, as they combine texts with images. In addition, they draw attention whenever and wherever they appear. They also serve to help tell a story, visualized in images, or also, to pass information to the public in a minimal amount of time.

Currently, it is very common to find multiple infographics on all social networks. There are infographics on all the imaginable topics and we find them both static and dynamic. This format is shared more times than any other visual content you can think of. They are very easy to understand and people love infographicon, they are nothing but fun.

On Facebook, content that includes images generates more interactions. These help us build links, promote social actions and create engagement in a unique way, this we see reflecting in our activities on social networks; in the number of retweets, in the number of Facebook shares, the number of shared links and also in the number of comments.

It is much easier to associate a graphic with a meaning; people process visual elements quicker than they do with texts. Based on research, 90% of the information that our brain processes is visual, everything is read much faster. Undoubtedly, visual information will always arrive before that which is transmitted through long texts. Children, before understanding a language, are able to associate graphics and drawings with meanings.

Every day more brands are betting on the use of infographics as part of their content strategies, aware of their great appeal to readers. The fact that they allow offering the information in a schematic, clear and visual way, was the reason for their initial success, but now they can be shared in a much more social way thanks to Pinterest.

Here are some reasons for using infographics and why they have become so important in the world of marketing today:

  • Infographics have the ability to clearly explain even the most complex issues to readers. Combining texts with images has proven more effective than explaining a topic with words.
  • They clearly stand out from other different traditional formats. If an infographic is thrown into the midst of a target audience, its aesthetic are sure to appeal and attract the attention of readers, thereby increasing possible interactions and engagements.
  • Statistics have shown that people love sharing infographics. As they are easy to understand and they are also fun, it is very likely that people will feel the urge to share the infographic on social networks.
  • The infographics are read quickly. Understanding an infographic does not take much time, as visual data is quicker at being absorbed by the brain. This is one thing readers will be grateful for.
  • These graphics help content creators complete their story with data. Infographics usually include facts and figures; this type of information is just what the content creators need for the development of important and factual materials.