Perception matrix for SWOT analysis

What is SWOT analysis?

SWOT analysis is a tool used to study the situation of a company, institution, project or person; analyzing their internal characteristics (Weaknesses and Strengths) and their external situation (Threats and Opportunities) in a square matrix. It comes from the abbreviation of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. With it, organizations are able to know the reality of their present situation, while also helping them develop a strategy for the future.

  • Strengths: These are attributes, factors etc, that allow the company to generate a competitive advantage over the rest of its competitors.
  • Weaknesses: The weaknesses refer to all those elements, energy resources, skills and attitudes that the company already has and that constitute barriers to achieve the good progress of the organization.
  • Opportunities: The opportunities are those positive factors that are generated in the environment and that, once identified, can be exploited.
  • Threats: Threats are negative situations, external to the program or project, that may attempt against it, so that, in this case, it may be necessary to design an adequate strategy to be able to overcome them.

The objective of the SWOT analysis is to determine the competitive advantages of the company under analysis and the generic strategy to be used by the company that best suits it, based on its own characteristics and those of the market in which it operates.

The analysis consists of four steps:

  • Internal analysis
  • External analysis
  • Preparation of the SWOT matrix
  • Determination of the strategy to be used

Perception matrix

From the point of view of Perceptology, the Matrix of Perceptions is used as a model to diagnose the problems and possible solutions to them, in such a way that they contribute to the improvement of the performance of the "servers"; listening to contributions, suggestions and comments, to make an analysis with the information collected through surveys that allows establishing strategies that ultimately generate trust in the "served", and a constant growth of the "server" and its environment.

The internal analysis of the company itself is one of the key points for marketing professionals. We try to know the perception that the public has of our products. To do this, it is advisable to develop the product-market matrix so that you can clearly see what the sales of the company are in the main product lines before the elaboration of the Commercial Plan.

On the other hand, it is also advisable to make a study of both direct and indirect competitors, to see in what situation you are; you can even establish a comparison of analysis.

It is also convenient to study your strategic and tactical suppliers as well as the current distribution channels that you have.

Finally, you will do an exhaustive analysis of the sales force, see if you are going to a specific market segment or to all of them. Study those responsible for commercial work and how it is currently carried out. It is possible that, after this analysis, a conclusion can reached that your commercial work is not enough to cover all the public you are addressing.

Once all the information from the analysis of the micro and macro environment has been gathered, it will now be possible to do an effective SWOT analysis. Weaknesses, Strengths, Threats and Opportunities will be obtained. This will allow you define your attack vector, converting weaknesses into strengths and threats into opportunities. It will be in this attack vector that you will base your commercial strategy.