Pie Chart Animations

Have you ever been bored while looking at a chart? It’s okay, we won’t tell anyone, we have all been at one of those talks where they show a picture a graph and expect you to stare endlessly at it.

That being said, charts still are the best way to convey information on data and statistics, so how do you avoid making it boring? By making a chart animation of course! On this article we will give you examples on how animating your charts can engage your audience and get your point across more efficiently.

You have probably seen a pie chart before, it’s a circular graph that indicates the contribution of different parts to a whole as wedges in a circle or, “slices of a pie”, if you will. The size of each wedge shows the amount a part has contributed to the whole. When animating a pie chart you can move the wedges, making them grow or shrink according to your data, you can also make them appear in any order you desire. Showing your “slices” in a given order will give a much better rhythm to the presentation, and making them move is not only more engaging for the eyes, but puts more emphasis on the percentage that part represents, as it associates time, as well as size to its value.

Another commonly used graph are bar charts which are great for data comparison between different categories each being represented by a bar along two axes. Once again, showing both the axes and the categories in a given order increases the audience's comprehension of what you are showing and gives your presentation a much better flow. Each bar of the chart can also be animated to grow out of the “x” axis, once again associating time and size to a given quantity.

By now we have established that to make your chart as visually stimulating as possible is a great way to convey information effectively, but aside from movement, this also includes a great deal of aesthetics. Remember, that to each chart there is a lot of form variation, each trying to convey information in the most suitable way. A good shape and color scheme will be sure to deliver that final blow and open your audience’s ears to what you have to say.

Chart animations are the best way to give your presentation some flare and engage those who watch it. You will find here great tutorials on how to make your own chart animations.