Types of infographics

Infographics have become an extraordinarily useful resource for transmitting concepts in a clear and visual way, they can be categorized according to their objective or the advantages that are intended to be obtained from them.

The use of infographics as a graphic resource is increasingly widespread, due to the great results obtained by the great interest they arouse compared with other materials, this is due to the ease of assimilation by the public and its virility in many cases . We explain the different types of infographics that, due to their purpose, are more common:

Comparative infographics: A vs. B

Among the most used types of infographics, is the comparative A vs. B. Its approach is quite simple: it is about presenting two elements and addressing the characteristics of each one . You can use this infographic to deal with two of your products or services, helping your clients decide which one is more suitable for them.

In the case of technological products , it is quite useful: Which mobile is better? What camera to buy? It also works well in beauty, with the use of creams: What cream to use for dry skin, could be an example.

Timeline infographics

Another type of infographic that I do not want to miss in this compilation is the timeline infographic. As its name suggests, it is about showing a succession of facts or data progressively. Its most widespread use is usually to tell the story of the company since its founding. In this case, we must highlight the most important milestones, including benefits, number of employees, awards, etc. This type of infographics can be used chronologically, biographically, historically, among others.


They are graphic representations of a portion of territory. In them you can locate different facts, indicate routes, locate significant elements, etc. In addition to the great graphic representations of the territory, the maps of localities, the most stereotyped by the transport lines, those that represent the climatology, etc can also be included in this category.


It is a type of graphical representation in which data are presented by means of an array in which each column represents a variable and in the rows the elements of each of these variables usually appear.

Diagrams or ideograms

They show objects or events from different angles, from their interior or their evolution. They are usually common in technology materials and many vocational training specialties.

Statistical Infographics

The statistical infographic is used when you want to focus on your data. With this you try to tell a story with numbers and data. In the narration you could include tables, graphs or just numbers.

Hierarchical Infographic

Hierarchical infographics organize information on several levels. This type of infographic has a very specific purpose and is used to show how to organize information at different levels and how they connect each level with the other. For example, a hierarchical infographics can be used to represent the structure of a company, both administratively and otherwise.